Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Perfect Marriage - You Can Have One Too

Perfection - The state of being without a flaw or defect. Paragon:An ideal instance; a perfect embodiment of a concept. The act of making something perfect.

Wikipedia says Perfection is, broadly, a state of completeness and flawlessness.

Remember the movie Jerry Maguire done in 1996? The scene at the end of the movie where Jerry comes back to the love of his life and he says "You complete me." Jerry was actually saying in a very romantic way, to Dorothy Boyd, you are perfect for me.

Can perfection in marriage be reached or is it some high lofty goal that borders on fantasy?

According to my husband, and I agree with him whole heartedly, perfection in marriage is possible. (I always agree with Kurt, NOT!) The best way to have a perfect marriage is FORGIVENESS.

The more you forgive your partner the more perfect your marriage. You see if you forgive them for everything they do, when they do it, they are perfect. Therefore you can have a perfect marriage because your spouse is perfect.

I know this idea seems too easy but try it. I guarantee you will see a difference in your marriage as well as in yourself.

Looking at the other person through "rose colored" glasses will have you looking at perfection. Just like in the story Snow White. When the Queen kept looking into the magical mirror and asked who was the fairest of them all the response was in her favor. When you forgive your spouse they will then become the "fairest" of them all.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying the men are the only ones that have to do this for their wives. Women you need to adopt the same attitude towards your men. Let's keep things in balance, shall we?

Forgiving your spouse for their wrongs takes the pressure off of everyone working so hard at being perfect. They are then perfect without even trying.

I've heard that when you first marry a person you don't see the real person. Even if you live with them before marriage, which I never recommend, you don't see the real person. If you want to see the real person you're married to, wait seven years and it will all come out. It meaning the real person.

One other point I'd like to make is don't become a door mat in your relationship. Marriage is a partnership and should be 50/50. There always seems to be one person that does most of the forgiving. Don't let that happen. Communicate what you are seeing that is off kilter. Sometimes the other person doesn't realize they aren't a part of the forgiving side. Bring it to their attention but don't attack them with the information. Sit them down and discuss it rationally. Most people want a happy fulfilling marriage. It takes work. Talking to each other about the things that bother us can help to relieve the stress of trying to live with each other. Communication will be a subject for another day.

As far as being a door mat, if you have a cheating spouse, and they do it more than once, GET RID OF THEM FAST! A leopard never changes his/her spots except in Dr. Seuss's books. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I'm a firm believer once a cheater always a cheater. They actually need professional help because it is a psychological disorder or a family curse.

FORGIVENESS is what it's all about. Forgiveness brings honor and respect to your spouse. These are good things.

Have a perfect marriage,
Michelle Rothwell, Founder
Dora & Diego Homeschool Spanish
Isagenix Independent Distributor

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