Special Forces men are really tough guys. My husband, Kurt, (the cutie pictured to the left) was no exception. In order to be a tough guy you have to go through B.U.D.S. training. Once you make it through that you can leap tall buildings in one step, run faster than a speeding bullet and dive to depths that even Jacques Cousteau wouldn't go.
Kurt has a lot of stories to tell from his training days. One he tells over and over again which makes me laugh to this day is a swimming story. Everyone that trains to be a Navy Seal or in Kurt's case part of the UDT, you are required to swim more than the fish do. Each person has a partner to swim with and swims at night, during the day plus during storms. Doesn't sound like much fun does it?
One day when the group was out doing one of their mandatory five mile swims Kurt and his partner were swimming along and talking like they normally do. At one point Kurt's back was to his partner when he heard his swimming buddy say something that was hard to understand and it sounded like he was taking on water. So being the brave soul that he is, Kurt turned to look at his friend. All of a sudden he was nose to nose with the ugliest male sea lion he had ever seen. At that same moment when the sea lion saw him he let out a big huge seal bark. Kurt was so shocked he let out a large yell! Tough guy huh!?
Needless to say Kurt did have to rescue his partner because he was laughing so hard he started to drown. His swimming buddy knew what was going to happen since he saw the seal pop up next to Kurt in the water.
The one thing Kurt thought at the time, "He was very glad it wasn't mating season".
When Kurt tells the story he describes the sea lion as being so ugly it would scare anyone. The sea lion had scars on his face from being in fights, broken teeth, bad breath, and was very rude yelling at him like he did.
The moral of this story is watch where you swim and make sure of the seasons. Tough guys aren't tough all the time. They have their weaknesses.
Michelle Rothwell, Founder
Dora & Diego Homeschool Spanish
Independent Isagenix Distributor
I'm firing my boss in June 2009, ask me how.
What a beautiful, heartwarming blog!!!
Have a great weekend. :D
Hugs, JJ
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