Our Granddaughter finally made her appearance on Friday, November 2, 2007. She was born naturally, Praise the Lord no petosin, at 5:15 am PST.
Bailey Marie McCowan weighed in at 7 lbs 6 oz with tons of dark brown hair; her brother is blond.Our oldest daughter, Brianna, is the happy Momma. The one thing she kept saying was how easy this birth was compared to the last one.
Oh! And yes Bailey's Daddy was present too. I guess he helped. LOL. When I talked to Brian on the phone yesterday I told him to have Brianna call me with all the details. He then proceeded to tell me they pulled into the hospital parking lot at approximately 12:01 am. They parked in the first stall up by the door. Brianna got out on the passengers side by opening the door.... Of course I didn't mean those details. Brian is the perfect Son in Law because his sense of humor is just as warped as the rest of us.From the looks of the first pictures the whole family is doing well. Hopefully they can go home today so Bryce won't be so lonely without his Momma.
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